Top / Japanese teacher? / Language exchange partner / Service fee / Online Japanese lesson? / About us
a:236 t:1 y:0
- Entry NO24007
Ikebukuro/female/35~39years old
area :any area within 60 minutes from Ikebukuro
available time① in the morning on Saturday
available time② in the daytime on Sunday
job office worker
learn Russian or Finnish language
teach Japanese. I minored in Japanese education at University
self-introduction Both male and female language partners with native Russian or Finnish language level are welcomed. I have an interest in learning conversation.
English level intermediate
You can contact this member for free.
- Please send your message through the contact form below. After we get a reply from this member, we will reply you.
- After that we ask you if you like to exchange email address with this member or not. If you like,we inform the member's email address of you. Then you can contact the member directly.
- Let's start the language exchange with this member.
- If you like us to search another language exchange partner who meets your requests and introduce you a language exchange partner, please click the button below and go to the page for application..
Contact form
terms of use
- Our service is to support each entry person find a Japanese teacher and language exchange partner and student.
- We(Learning Catchball) do not check each entry person's ID.
- We do not take any responsibility for any troubles between you and your teacher, language exchange partner, student.
- We(Learning Catchball) can not be responsible for the truth of each entry information and the quality of each entry person's character(personality).
- In case we(Learning Catchball) find your entry information is MLM business or false or illegal, we delete your entry.
- In case you cause damage on learning-catchball,we(Learning Catchball) do demand payment to you.
- In case you want to delete your entry information or withdraw from learning-catchball, please contact us soon.
- We can not accept applicants under the age of 18.
- We(Learning Catchball) revise these terms of use whenever we need.
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- ※After you fill in the blank,please click the 確 認 above.
- ※After you click the 確 認 and check your information,please click the 送 信 .