Learning Catchball


1 on 1 online Japanese lesson

N5 level(beginner)

N4 level(pre-intermediate)

N3 level(intermediate)

Free trial lesson

online Japanese lesson

Let's learn Japanese from online certified Japanese teachers!!

Application fee(trial lesson)0 yen
Trial Lesson0 yen
Application fee(regular lesson)3000 yen(one time payment)
Lesson fee(regular lesson)1 lesson 2500yen for 60 minutes

JLPT N3 lesson

Example lessons

Lesson1 on 1 online lesson
What do you learn?Basic Japanese at N5 level
How many timestwice a week
What timefrom 19:00 to 20:00 on Wednesday and Saturday
How much20,000yen monthly

Lesson1 on 1 online lesson
What do you learn?JLPT N3 test preparation lesson
How many timesonce a week
What timefrom 13:00 to 14:00 on Sunday
How much10,000yen monthly

Lesson1 on 1 online lesson
What do you learn?Speaking lesson at N4 level
How many timestwice a week
What timefrom 10:00 to 11:00 on Tuesday and Friday
How much20,000yen monthly

LessonOnline lesson with friends(2 people)
What do you learn?Basic Japanese at N5 level
How many timestwice a week
What timefrom 20:00 to 21:00 on Monday and Thursday
How much16,000yen monthly per one person

Learning materials for self-study

Online group lesson

Afternoon course113:30 to 14:30 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Afternoon course215:00 to 16:00 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday

JLPT online N5 course(beginner level)

Morning course9:30 to 10:30 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Evening course19:00 to 20:00 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday

Online Basic Japanese Course4

Morning course11:00 to 12:00 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Evening course20:30 to 21:30 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday

Online JLPT N3 to N2 Course

Application for a free trial lesson for 1 on 1 online lesson


Application fee(trial lesson)0 yen

StepⅡ:Trial lesson

Trial Lesson0 yen


Application fee(regular lesson)3000 yen(one time payment)
Lesson fee(regular lesson)1 lesson 2500yen for 60 minutes

Application fee(regular lesson)3000 yen (one time payment)
Lesson coursefee
Lesson①1 lesson 4000yen for 60minutes for 2 people
Lesson②1 lesson 5000yen for 60minutes for 3 people


Application form

Terms of use

  • We(Learning Catchball) do not take any responsibility for any troubles between you and your Japanese teacher(online Japanese tutor).
  • We can not accept applicants under the age of 18.
  • We(Learning Catchball) revise these Terms of use whenever we need.

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