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Online Japanese speaking level check service

Let's check your speaking level through messenger on Facebook!

Japanese speaking level

1 (Entry) You can say some words. But it is still difficult to make a sentence.
2(beginner)You can make simple sentences, but it is difficult for Japanese people to understand your Japanese well
3(N5)You can make simple sentence and Japanese people can understand your Japanese well.
4(N4)You can make complicated sentences, but it is difficult for Japanese people to understand your Japanese well
5(N3) You can make complicated sentences, and Japanese people can understand your Japanese well
6(N2)You can convey your opinon to Japanese people well, there are some mistakes with Japanese grammar though.
7(N1) You can convey your opinion to Japanese people well and there are few mistakes with Japanese grammar.
8(Native)You can speak Japanese like a native speaker

Step for the first trial





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