LCB Japanese speaking lesson


What's the Learning Catchball(LCB)?

I am Taro Koyanagi, in charge of the Learning Catchball(LCB). We have started up LCB to help people to learn Japanese.
Online group lessonWe are offering from JLPT N3(intermediate) to N5(beginner) level group class. Please click here? and you can get more information.
Online private lessonWe introduce you online Japanese teachers who offer you private lesson. Please click here and you can get more information.
LCB Speaking lessonYou can expect to improve your Japanese speaking and grammar skills. Please click here and you can get more information.

Let's check your Japanese speaking/grammar skills through LCB speaking lesson.

Japanese speech
You need to record your speech and send us the voice data through the submission form. You need to keep the voice data within 1 minute

This week speech topic

What do you like to do in Japan?


Check and correction by Japanese teachers


Application for LCB speaking lesson

StepⅠ:Receive the URL

StepⅡ:Send us your speech

StepⅢ: Feedback

Student's speech
Speech we recommend

Application form for a free trial lesson

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