Application for a free trial lesson

StepⅠ:Application(for free)

StepⅠ:Please apply for a free trial class through the application form at the bottom of this page.

StepⅡ:Trial lesson(for free)

StepⅡ:After that,we will forward our zoom ID and PW to you.


StepⅢ:Please decide to sign up for our online class or not after the trial lesson. 


StepⅣ:If you decide to sign up for our online class, you need to pay tuition to our bank account. Basically you need to pay tuition monthly in advance

Plus 1 service

Free video lessons for self-study


Japanese video lesson list

LevelVideo lesson list
1,2,4video lesson list1
3video lesson list2
5video lesson list3

Application form for the free trial JLPT N3 class

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