Language exchange partner
Application for language partner's introduction service
a:182 t:1 y:0
- If you like to contact this member, please contact us through the contact form below.
- If you like us to match up your language exchange partner with you as per your requests(area/time/language partner(s gender/age/job,etc),please click the button below and go to the page for application.
Contact form
terms of use
- Our service is to support each entry person find a Japanese private teacher and language exchange partner(learning partner).
- We(Learning Catchball) do not check each entry person's ID and do not take any responsibility for any troubles between
you and your teacher/language exchange partner(learning partner).
- We(Learning Catchball) can not be responsible for the truth of each entry information and the
quality of each entry person's character(personality).
- In case we(Learning Catchball) find your entry information is MLM business or false or illegal, we delete your entry.
- In case you cause damage on learning-catchball,we(Learning Catchball) do demand payment to you.
- In case you want to delete your entry information or withdraw from learning-catchball, please contact us soon.
- We can not accept applicants under the age of 18.
- We(Learning Catchball) revise these terms of use whenever we need.
- Red mark=Required
- ※Our e-mail( is sometimes misclassified as spam. So please check your E-mail regularly.
- ※After you fill in the blank,please click the 確 認 above.
- ※After you click the 確 認 and check your information,please click the 送 信 .